This is my daughter’s third year at Jigyasa. The school has changed her personality completely. She is now a happy child who loves to go to school every day. There are many things that my husband and I really love about Jigyasa. The theme-based curriculum is implemented to perfection. It is amazing how much my daughter learns every term and how the school connects different disciplines so effortlessly. For instance, the term that focused on space happened to coincide with the Chandrayaan 2 lunar exploration mission and my daughter would talk about it every day. When we were watching Thor and there was a mention of the Hubble telescope, she told us that the Hubble’s successor would be James Webb. Every other school before Jigyasa would tell us that she was academically behind the rest of the class but Jigyasa looks at her as a child with immense potential. I will always be grateful for that. The school really encourages her to apply her learning and because she enjoys the process of learning so much, she can recall all the information effortlessly.
Jigyasa’s extended learning spaces allow a lot of movement, collaboration and project-based learning. My daughter, for instance, loves art and Jigyasa’s teaching combines art, math and design beautifully. My daughter also tells me that she loves science because something interesting happens every time they do an experiment. I think that this is exactly where most schools are falling short. They fail to connect science with the world, its problems and concerns. This is more important than confining to textbooks or studying it as a subject without understanding its purpose and beauty.
I also love Jigyasa’s teaching calibre and expertise. Ever since they started giving my daughter one-on-one sessions in math, her understanding of basic concepts in math has improved leaps and bounds. They do in their own spare time and what I really love about their approach is that they don’t want to simply fill her gaps. They truly want her to understand math in every form and as a life skill.– Shweta Sharan (Entrepreneur and Journalist)
The team at Jigyasa encourages my child in everything she does and to participate in all the explorations they offer – sports, drama, music, and more. To Jigyasa, my daughter is not just one among many kids in a school. They value her as an individual and for that, we are happy and grateful parents.